Northern Lights Interagency Council (NLIC)

The NLIC is an organization that developed out of the merger of the Community Interagency Transition Committee and the Interagency Early Intervention Committee. It serves the needs of students with disabilities from birth through adulthood and geographically encompasses a five counties and thirteen school districts. Our membership numbers approximately 60 individuals from county, private and school programs as well as parents, students, business and university personnel. We meet at least four times annually and conduct a wide spectrum of projects, services, seminar, and informational materials. We have been recognized by MN Department of Education for our excellence of operation and commitment to individuals with disabilities.

Join the Council!
Contact the Transition Coordinator, Jess Knutsen, at the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative by phone at 218-655-5018. Being added to the membership will mean that you will automatically receive NLIC announcements, notices, agenda and meeting minutes. You can review meeting minutes, bylaws, and a variety of additional information about the NLIC on our website.

Meetings for 2024-25

  • Oct. 2, 2024
    • Note, this meeting only: 8:30 AM whole group, 9:45 AM sub-committee's
    • Duluth - 709 Portia Johnson Drive
    • No guest speaker

  • Dec. 11, 2024 
    • 8:30 AM sub-committee's, 9:45 AM whole group
    • Carlton County Transportation Bldg.
    • X finds guest speaker

  • Feb. 5, 2025 
    • 8:30 AM sub-committee's, 9:45 AM whole group
    • Duluth - 709 Portia Johnson Drive
    • X finds guest speaker

  • April 9, 2025 
    • 8:30 AM sub-committee's, 9:45 AM whole group
    • Carlton County Transportation Bldg.
    • XX finds guest speaker


NLIC Purpose

The purpose of Northern Lights Interagency Council is to provide eligible children with disabilities and their families with a coordinated, multi-disciplinary, interagency, intervention services system that is family-centered, community based and culturally competent.

NLIC Goals

  1. Identify children and their families within our geographic area who are in need of interagency services
  2. Work toward establishing and monitoring a system of service coordination to include referral, evaluation, intake, and the development of multi-agency programming
  3. Continue to identify current services and funding sources available to children, to students and to their families
  4. Make available to any individual or group, the eligibility criteria, scope of services, program limits, and specific contact person(s) for each program that provides services for the population served by the IC.
  5. Review and comment as needed on the interagency section of the total special education system for each school district, for each county social service plan, the section of the community health services plan that addresses needs and services targeted to eligible children with disabilities.
  6. Based on current assessment information, educate the public regarding children/students with special needs, the needs of their families and of the programs available in the communities served by IC.
  7. Members of IC will disseminate up-to-date information concerning grant applications, legislation, research, and best practice methodologies and will seek to encourage collaborative projects between member agencies and/or other programs.

Related Files


Archived IC and ICCOD Minutes